Recently I’ve been working on putting together an etsy store & I’m excited to say it’s finally up and running.
Ya see, I’ve ALWAYS been a crafter. ALWAYS. I find a lot of stress relief in creation & it fills me up in a way that nothing else can. Usually I do this through film photography, but I often make dreamcatchers as well. And when I say often I really mean, I make so many that my house is filled with them, so much so it’s time to start an etsy page so I finally have something to do with them and so that someone else can find the joy in them that I do. That time has come.
I named my store, Caught in Reverie.
A reverie is a day dream – something I find myself often caught in. What can I say – I’m a pisces. I’m an adventuring pisces who LOVES the great outdoors. I am constantly dreaming of new adventures, and remembering fondly those I’ve already been on. I am more “me” than ever when I’m on a hiking trail and therefore I am constantly thinking of those times. Usually these adventure/nature-themed daydreams are what inspire me and this inspiration turns into one of two things: a photograph or a dreamcatcher. In this case, a house full of dreamcatchers.
If you’re interested in looking at my etsy store, purchasing a dreamcatcher or even bouncing some ideas off of me so that I can create a customized dreamcatcher just for you, check out: and enjoy!
To set up this store, I set up a studio in my bedroom using a white reflector as a backdrop with two studio lights. These are the catalog-style commercial photographs taken in that setting:
And here are some photographs taken on a sanded, finished piece of pine in window light with a wide aperture:
What do you think? Surprised I’m not only a portrait photographer?? (I didn’t think so!) To be a sufficient photography teacher I have to be well-rounded! 😉
Don’t forget to check out the store!